Monique Sasson

Admitted in New York, England & Wales
T: +39 3388247348
T: 02 89626156
Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent).
Nationality: Italy, USA
Monique Sasson has thirty years of experience in analyzing international disputes. Before earning a Ph.D. in international law from Cambridge University, she worked at two major law firms, in London and in Rome. Monique is qualified as an Italian avvocato, an English solicitor and a New York attorney. Previously Of Counsel at Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, she is one of the founding partners of DeliSasson. Monique’s practice includes advocacy as counsel as well as arbitrator and mediator appointments. Monique served as an expert witness on international law in Central European Aluminium Company (CEAC) v. Montenegro, (ICSID Case No. ARB/14/8) and testified orally before a distinguished investment treaty tribunal. The second edition of her book, Substantive Law in Investment Arbitration, was published in 2017 by Kluwer. She is in Arbitra’s list of arbitrators.
2023 – present
Partner, DeliSasson, Milan, Italy
2022 – present
Independent Arbitrator, Arbitra, London, Washington
2012 – present
Co-Managing Editor: Arbitration Report (Institute for Transnational Arbitration) and World Trade and Arbitration Materials

Cambridge University, England, 2009
Ph.D. International Law
University of London (Queen Mary College), 2006
LLM (Merit)
Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo, 1994
Scholarship, postgraduate course to prepare for the careers of Judge and Attorney
Guido Carli L.U.I.S.S., Rome, Italy, 1993
Faculty of Law, Graduated magna cum laude in Law (thesis in Bankruptcy Law: “Insolvency of Corporate Groups”)

Admitted to the Italian Bar – Rome, 1997; Milan 2018.
Solicitor, Senior Courts of England and Wales, 2001.
Qualified as Solicitor Advocate (Higher Rights of Audience), England and Wales, 2004.
Admitted to the New York Bar, 2012.
DeliSasson, Rome-Milan, Italy, December 2022-present
D|R Arbitration & Litigation, Of Counsel Rome-Milan, Italy 2019-2022
Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Of Counsel, Milan Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, 2018-2020
Washington College of Law, American university (Washington, D.C) “Introductory Course on International Commercial Arbitration”, 2013-2020
Morgan Stanley Incorporated’s New York City office, Legal & Compliance/Litigation Unit, Fixed-term contract, July 2014-March 2015
Center for Transnational Litigation, New York University School of Law, Scholar-in-Residence, March 2014
Herbert Smith-London, Litigation/Arbitration Associate, London, United Kingdom, 2000-2005. Extensive experience in High Court litigation, transnational litigation, and international arbitration cases. Representative matters included acting for major banks in the High Court as well as in multi-jurisdictional litigation arising out of one of the largest company insolvencies in Europe. In international arbitration, acted for Israeli, USA, Korean and English companies in ICC and LCIA proceedings.
Chiomenti Studio Legale, Associate, Rome, Italy, 1995-2000. Advocacy before Courts of First instance and Courts of Appeal in Italy
Alenia Spa, Legal Department, Stagiere, Rome, Italy, 1993. Company law; Mergers & Acquisitions and Bankruptcy Law
Studio Legale Tributario Internazionale Puoti-Rossi Ragazzi, Trainee under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Giardina, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, 1993
Finmeccanica Spa, Legal Department Stagiere, Rome, Italy, 1992

- Tribunal President in an ICC construction FIDIC project under Dutch Law (seat Amsterdam). Award issued 2022.
- Sole Arbitrator in an ICC Arbitration concerning breach of contract under English law (seat London).
- Sole Arbitrator in an ICC Arbitration concerning breach of contract under Swiss Law (seat Geneva). Award issued in 2021.
- Co-Arbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning breach of representations and warranties under English Law (seat Geneva).
- Tribunal President CAM (Milan Chamber of Commerce) concerning breach of contract under Italian Law (seat Milan).
- Acting as arbitrator in several arbitrations under the Arbitration Act 1996 (UK).

Member, Financial Market Law Committee’s Working Group on the proposed Rome I Regulation (law applicable to contractual obligations) 2004-2005
Member of the New York City Bar Arbitration Committee 2012-2015

- “Mandatory Law in International Commercial and Investment Treaty Arbitration”, in Kroll, Ferrari, eds., Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (Cambridge), 2023.
- Special Editor, with R. Alford and C. Baltag, Journal of International Arbitration, Issue on Empirical Analysis of Kluwer Database, 2022, No. 39-3, 2022.
- “Empirical Analysis of National Court Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitration Awards” co-authored with R. Alford, C. Baltag and M. Hall, in Journal of International Arbitration, Special Issue, 2022, No. 39-3, 2022.
- “Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration”, in Journal of International Arbitration, Special Issue, 2022, No. 39-3, 2022.
- “Institution Rules”, co-authored with L. Shore, in Happ and Wilske, eds., ICSID Arbitration Rules 2020 – An Article-by-Article Commentary (Beck), 2022.
- “Arbitration in the United States under the Federal Arbitration Act”, co-authored with L. Shore, in Mantucci ed., Volume XI of Trattato di Diritto dell’Arbitrato (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane), 2022.
- “Inherent Power of Arbitrators to Exclude Counsel?”, Chapter 3 in Ferrari and Rosenfeld, eds., Inherent Powers of Arbitrators (Juris), 2019.
- “Procedure in Investment Arbitration”; “Historical and Policy Background to the Development of Bilateral and Multilateral Investment Treaties The Common and Distinctive Features of the Principal Investment Instruments”; and “Treaty Arbitration: the Notion of ‘Investment’” — Chapters in Ferrari and King, eds., International Investment Arbitration in a Nutshell (West), 2019.
- Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The Unsettled Relationship of International and Municipal Law (Kluwer Law International, second edition), 2017.
- “The Applicable Law and the ICSID Convention”, Chapter 10 in Baltag, ed., ICSID Convention after 50 Years, Unsettled Issues (Kluwer), pp.273-300, 2017.
- “Court Review of Arbitral Tribunals’ Jurisdictional Decisions”, in NYSBA, New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Spring 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1 pp. 54-57, 2016.
- “Investment Arbitration: Procedure,” Chapter 11 (III) in International Investment Law, M. Bungenberg, J. Griebel, S. Hobe, A. Reinisch, eds. (C.H. Beck-Hart-Nomos), pp. 1288-1372, 2015.
- Review: The History of ICSID by Antonio Parra, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 107, No 4, October 2013, pp. 980-984, 2013.
- Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The Unsettled Relationship of International and Municipal Law (Kluwer Law International, first edition), 2010.
- “The Recent ‘Reform’ of the Italian Civil Procedure Chapter on Arbitration”, in International Arbitration Law Review, 2007, No. 1, pp. 1-6, 2007.
- “MultiParty Arbitration”, with Mary Woollett, in Stockholm Arbitration Report, 2002, No. 1, pp. 1-20, 2002.
- “I contratti di swap: ancora sui poteri di rappresentanza degli operatori”, in Rivista dell’Arbitrato, 1999, No. 2, pp 335-356, 1999